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Pickle Ken同人陣(最多容納32人)
version 3.2.8
##Pickle Ken同人陣(最多容納32人)
# 更新狀況 之後因爲上學的關係會不定期更新 進度:https://gamelet.online/forum/ch0001 # 游戲目錄: 1) 【一命去殺敵(一)】[最後更新日期:2021年8月23日,任務製作完成] 2) 【一命職業(一)--挑戰神之試煉】[最後更新日期:2021年8月25日,任務製作完成(仲會更新)] 3) 【一命去殺敵(二)__[狙撃戰版]熱門地圖重游】[最後更新日期:2021年8月25日,任務製作完成] # 封面圖片來源: 1)https://images.900.tw/upload_file/42/content/55a4c738-5954-7ed2-3837-338132e2e7d9.jpg # 軍火庫(快速設定武器資源,不用經常讓玩家刷武器,歡迎複製及更改): 建議:先到右邊【加載資源】中加載[shangchengwuqi.png],[yuanchengwuqi.png],[jinzhanwuqi.png]。然後複製和貼上下面的指令碼到你要的.events檔案中。之後到【軍火庫】的file中找出【近身武器】,【遠程武器】,【商城武器】,分別開啓該【彈出選項視窗】,在【訊息圖案】中設定【圖案資源】和【圖案位置】,所有的【圖案位置】設定為【上面】,【圖案資源】就放剛剛加載的3個圖片。 ``` { "id": "軍火庫", "disabled": false, "folder": "軍火庫", "startTime": 0, "checkInterval": 10, "repeats": -1, "repeatInterval": 0, "actions": [ { "type": "ActorShowSelectDialog", "data": { "openTargetType": "aCertainPlayer", "playerId": "{p1}", "alive": true, "dialogId": "weaponry1z0", "title": "軍火庫(Buy Pickle Ken)", "message": "", "messageType": "text", "msgImage": { "msgImageAlias": "", "msgImageSide": "left" }, "controls": { 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# Changelog (ch0001) ## [v3.2.8](/view/ch0001/3.2.8) (2021-08-25) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v3.2.7](/view/ch0001/3.2.7) (2021-08-25) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: 1) 【一命去殺敵(二)__[狙撃戰版]熱門地圖重游】的團隊號碼已經更改正確 ## [v3.2.6](/view/ch0001/3.2.6) (2021-08-25) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: 1) 【一命去殺敵(二)__[狙撃戰版]熱門地圖重游】的團隊號碼已經更改正確 ## [v3.2.5](/view/ch0001/3.2.5) (2021-08-25) #### Added - new features added #### Changed 1) 【一命職業(一)--挑戰神之試煉】强化了角色的生命及能力,及敵人調整等 #### Fixed bugs: 1) 【一命去殺敵(二)__[狙撃戰版]熱門地圖重游】的bug已經更改 2) 【一命職業(一)--挑戰神之試煉】的bug已經更改 ## [v3.2.4](/view/ch0001/3.2.4) (2021-08-24) #### Added 1) 【一命去殺敵(一)】新增2個回生命的魔法陣 2) 【一命職業(一)--挑戰神之試煉】 3) 【一命去殺敵(一)】更新了一些bug 4) 新增【一命去殺敵(二)__[狙撃戰版]熱門地圖重游】 5) 新增【通關】和【失敗】的排行榜 #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v3.2.3](/view/ch0001/3.2.3) (2021-08-24) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v3.2.2](/view/ch0001/3.2.2) (2021-08-24) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v3.2.1](/view/ch0001/3.2.1) (2021-08-23) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v3.2.0](/view/ch0001/3.2.0) (2021-08-22) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v3.1.3](/view/ch0001/3.1.3) (2021-07-26) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v3.1.2](/view/ch0001/3.1.2) (2021-07-26) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v3.1.1](/view/ch0001/3.1.1) (2021-07-17) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v3.1.0](/view/ch0001/3.1.0) (2021-07-15) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v3.0.0](/view/ch0001/3.0.0) (2021-07-15) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v2.0.0](/view/ch0001/2.0.0) (2021-07-15) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.0.0](/view/ch0001/1.0.0) (2021-07-15) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## Authors **[ken.lee](/profile/100952043074533443748@google)**
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